All London Green Grid

The founder of collective managed the delivery of five All London Green Grid frameworks. This project was a unique opportunity to collaborate with local and central government and landscape design studios.

The All London Green Grid is a strategic framework to promote, guide and deliver green infrastructure projects across Greater London. It is a spatial network of interlinked, multi-purpose open and green spaces. In addition it includes good connections to communities, public transport, the Green Belt and the River Thames.

The All London Green Grid has an important role due to the challenges of urban growth and climate change. Firstly, the green infrastructure can help absorb water, cool the urban environment and clean the air. Secondly the network will support local food production, promote sport and leisure and enhance London’s natural habitats for wildlife.  Finally it will provide connections between places, encourage walking and cycling, incorporates heritage and support local economies.

The All London Green Grid network provides a rich varied landscape. Above all it will benefit both people and wildlife and provide diverse activities to appeal to, and be accessible by, all.